Infected plug in

Last Update: July 20, 2012
hello everyone,
just thought I would give you a heads up on a plug in that was recommended to me to replace the sociable plug in we all had virus problems with. I downloaded the plug in Sharaholic and really liked how it worked, till my site started re arranging itself, and disappearing and re appearing, completely to my amazement. Never saw anything like it before. Well, with the much appreciated help of Apina, ( Dean) we figured out what was going on. Seems this sharaholic plug in is also an open door to viruses, and I recommend if you are using it delete it . You can go here for a free scan to see if you are infected. I really am so grateful that Dean is in the chat room and willing to help whenever I screw things up, he is truly a perfect example of how WA works! Good luck and stay safe!
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tommo1968 Premium
I have it on my site just did a scan all clear so far. I used the shareaholic* plugin.
Shawn Martin Premium
I would get rid of it
WayneBPK Premium
Dean is the man!
Shawn Martin Premium
Yes he is
Renni Premium
Good to know, Shawn...I will avoid it like the plague! Thanks for letting us know. Dean is the best, isn't he?
Shawn Martin Premium
I can not say enough about how much I appreciate Dean's help around here. he is our go to guy for WordPress for sure!
Hudson Premium
Appreciated - hope it's all cleared up now,
Shawn Martin Premium
me too, I will scan daily and we will see.
Thank you for the heads up!
Shawn Martin Premium
You are welcome