Under Construction!

Last Update: June 30, 2012

I have reached step two in my goals here at WA. First, thanks to all who have helped me get to the conclusion of step one, there are too many of you to name, but you know who you are.
To all the new people, work your training and apply it, it works! In roughly 3 months I have a site getting traffic,and two blogs at Blogger that also get real decent views every day. I have also risen to the number 2 author at Street Articles and have a really great start on a pretty good size social network. Please note I am not bragging, I am not that way. On the contrary, I am amazed I am where I am at right now, and it is only because of all the help I have gotten from everyone here at WA> I share this to show the new people sitting on the edge of "Should I join" that it really does work. ( This is a free plug Kyle and Carson ) :) Now, on to step two. My goals for this part of my experience in IM are to improve on content writing, and getting much better on making my pages convert and picking products to sell. Lots of new training now for me in the next couple weeks. The best part is the training and help are here at the click of a mouse. My suggestions to the new people, make a plan and try to stick with it. Put it on paper and tack it up in front of you so you see it all the time, and use it. It really helps keep focused. know that this is a work in progress and share your accomplishments!

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lisawells Premium
Congratulations and thanks for your encouragement!
Shawn Martin Premium
You are very welcome and thanks for visiting me!
Boss_Jacob Premium
its just a matter of time Good times are coming my friend just a matter of time
Shawn Martin Premium
Thanks, I agree.
Sherion Premium
Way to go! Good plan sticking that paper right where you can see it. I just may do that too!
Shawn Martin Premium
It works!
Congrats on your accomplishment so far and good luck with your future endeavors. Thanks for sharing
Shawn Martin Premium
Thanks, it is all about investing in yourself. help others and it will come back to you.
WayneBPK Premium
Come on brother .. we have to take over the world!!
Shawn Martin Premium
I was mowing the lawn and had an idea that has got me really going. I will PM ya later