Is There An Easier Way To Find Somone Here?

Last Update: March 12, 2011

Hello Buddies,

Is there any easier way when you are looking for someone here than going through the Browse Spaces?

Especially if you don't know there rank or any of the other info.

Like if someone is listed in the forum you can click on them and it will take you to like a private message but what if I just had their name and wanted to bring it up here. With no other info. Is that possible?



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Pounders Premium
I justed asked this same question ,TODAY, to my good friend, labman, whom I owe all the credit for sharing these same instructions with you. Here is how you find someone in here in wa:

"The search function on the members doesn't work so well.

Here's what you need to do.
Go to my WA/WA Gold. Down in the bottom Right corner is a search feature.
Enter the member you want to search and click find.
This will open a link to their page.

You can then click on their name and it will take you to their spaces page."

I was so frustrated with finding someone! This method worked like a charm!

Ha ha! I read your post and then saw your avatar! Looks like the baby is reflecting on your frustration in finding that easier way! He's certainly in deep thought! Nice avatar!
Eileiah Premium
So I found you, thank you. The frustrating thing is that when you go to Browse Spaces they have a box where you can put in a name - but it doesn't work! They really need to pay a computer tech to make sure this site runs properly.
Ah well, we'll keep muddling through. E.
Felio Premium
I use this method. Go to WA gold link, Type profile name (Eg. Mine is Felio) onto the 'Send Some Gold' box. Click Find. If 'Felio' exists, a link will show up. Click on it to view the profile page. No gold will be given yet until you click donate gold at the profile page. Hope this method helps.