Update On Stolen Article

Last Update: November 12, 2010

Hi WA Buddies! <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">


I just wanted to give this update on the article that I said was stolen. I have been getting more and more responses. Below I have listed the e-mail that was sent to me from Ezines. It is kinda messed up though through copying it to here.  I am putting it here for future reference for any of you that might have your article stolen.


 If you want to check to see if your article may have been stolen then I suggest you type your title in google in a few different ways using all your keywords. I have also found that my article has also been “borrowed”. The reason I say borrowed on this one and not stolen is because it does come back to the product that I am selling. He is using it to promote his site though.


 So lets use my first article as the example.

It was titled Healthy Foods to Lose Weight- Anabolic Cooking. So, what I did was type in.. Healthy foods anabolic. and then look to see for about 2-3 pages if it would come up and if it was mine. I do this many different ways using all my keywords.  That is how I found that my article had been stolen and like I said also borrowed by someone else.


Here is the email sent to me from ezines.


Hi Sherion,

Thank you for your email.

We do not have any information on how search engines such as Google,
index their searches.  If you think this site took your content
without referencing you, the first course of action we recommend is
that you contact the owner/webmaster of the site and ask them to fix
the oversight.

This will normally accomplish the end result you are looking for as
most webmasters just need to be informed.

If after you contact them and no action has been taken within 48
hours, contact the site's ISP/Host and ask them to enforce their AUP
(Acceptable Use Policy).  This information can usually be found by
doing a WHOIS lookup on the domain name.

We expect publisher(s) to follow our reprint rules as stated in our
Terms of Service: http://EzineArticles.com/terms-of-service.html

However, it is up to you to take action against those who abuse your
copyright to protect your interests.

Please see our author terms for more on this:

Thank you,

I hope this helps someone else out. It took Ezine a week to get back to me but at least they did. 


Best Wishes to Everyone!




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cashflow+ Premium
Thanks for this information it is vary helpful. I do agree with Jaldedeaune chasing those who cheat is a wast of time.Writing is time spent focusing on helping people fine answers to their questions. Those who cheat will find the price to pay is not worth it over time. There is the law of cause and effect. It just depends on what side of the law one want's to be on.
jatdebeaune Premium
That's good Mary. Some of these people have no contact number so you can't reach them. I found one who named herself as the author. So time consuming. The time spent chasing after them can be better spent writing.