Expecting 250,000 Monthly Traffic +

Last Update: July 17, 2012
Hi everybody. Sorry for posting about something that's 'expected' rather than having done, but I'm just pretty excited about the current site I'm working on. After following everything Wealthy Affiliate has teached me, pieces of advice Jay's given me largely through his webinars, much of what Kyle & Carson have taught me, what I've learned from other people, and what I've learned from really big authority sites out there; I'm confident the website I'm working on will be a bit hit after I open the Google Bots up to the site.

My Thoughts

1 piece of advice I can tell you is you don't want adsense all over the place. You don't see IveTriedThat's Online Marketing site stuffed with Adsense, you don't see WEALTHY AFFILIATE stuffed with adsense all over the place, you don't see Wikipedia with adsense all over it (*cough*) and most of your other authority sites out there. The only places I suggest putting adsense are within forums, towards the bottom of your site, maybe towards the top (as long as it doesn't blend in with your theme), and....that's about it. Yes... that means don't even put adsense on your left or right hand widgets. Just something that'll pay for your hosting and maybe a little more. Maybe even the WA fee if possible. Just don't inundate people with adsense because the whole point is to get actual sales, not people accidentally clicking your Google Adsense ad just to make you a few pennies.

After making a lot of mistakes.... then finally working on a decent weight loss blog, I worked on my Internet Marketing blog seemingly forever (which in my mind is really my only other worthy of any sort of type of recognition site). I started working on a Book review site with 10,000 or more traffic on the title keyword after that, but that didn't really work out for me.Then Carson once told me in quick chat most of the guys he knew made it off just 1 website. So I said WHAT THE HECK, let's just go for the jackpot! Looking at articles on Street Articles like the 50 Shades of Grey Book Review only motivated me more to do this; which can be found number 1 ranked on SA. If you haven't kept up to date on that article, it's received 503,704 page views up to date.

I think more importantly I'm enjoying the site I'm working on. I think that's the best part of it. It'll take a lot of work for me to get all the pages, plugins, and content on there I need; but it'll be worth it once it's done. Then on top of that, I'm going to work with close friends or people I can depend on for a little extra something which I'll probably advertise a little via Street Articles, my WA profile, or Facebook here before long shortly after my sites live.

It took about 1 year... and now I'm about 100% confident I have everything planned out like I want it. I'm not posting again on this matter until it's actually up & going but just wanted to say thanks for all the people who helped me along the way. Hopefully I can get most everything going before college starts up again! :/

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Renni Premium
I have every confidence you are going to make it big-time, Seth. Very positive attitude and that's the best way to go.
slayton1s Premium
Thanks Renni. :) That means a lot.
Rea Premium
Sounds like we've our own budding Zuckerberg on the OEP ...Wish you every success Seth.. :)
slayton1s Premium
haha, thanks. You too Rea. ;)
tport144 Premium
Sounds like a great game plan! I can't wait for the update on your new site!
slayton1s Premium
Thank you. It did take me a while to figure out my game plan & everything else I needed to know. I needed that key to create a never-ending loophole of employees, and I believe I have it figured. Kyle's said he's heard similar scenarios int he past, but I have a really good deal for the people who do with me.
Shawn Martin Premium
Can't wait to see the site!
slayton1s Premium
Hey Shawn, I'll be putting it up on my profile via the site and on my profile as well when it's live. Thanks!
buernor12 Premium
Hello friends,
I joined Wa a few minutes ago. I need direction to get footings right. Can anyone HELP?
tport144 Premium
Welcome to WA! Try starting out with the recommended training links in the menu. Also, the live chat is a great place to get advice and meet the community