Taking Everything Into Consideration

Last Update: July 02, 2012
Hi. Just wanted to share my story up until now & give you some insight on how I was doing if you can bear reading about somebody else you barely know. The route I've taken to doing Internet Marketing has been a huge learning curve for me. It seems I've taken the hard route to doing things, I've made a massive amount of mistakes starting out, I've made countless blogs that I ended up not using, and only lately I've made a couple sites that's worthy of any sort of recognition. I'm one of those guys who pretty much count the sales I get every time I get one (around $250 a month). But needless to say, I've enjoyed every step of the journey.

With what I know I figured I needed to make a change. So after much thought on how I was advertising Wealthy Affiliate and a few other things, I finally learned everything comes with its own countermeasures. You have to weigh in everything, do your calculations, and think before leaping. You have to consider who your audience is. You have to measure there initial thoughts on a certain matter, how they relate to it, why they're on the site, the portrayal you give to yourself. The honest truth is, you are competing with a lot of sites. That's why you have to be smarter than how people were in the mid 90's, in the sense of how you advertise (not the technical aspect). You can't expect to write 1 article and expect instant traffic to come out of nowhere. Sites are changed, banned, sold, and written with content that seems almost impossible to deal with sometimes. But it's really actually much easier than you might think. It's actually WAY easier than you might think once you start figuring things out.

Don't make a site with the intention of making a little extra money. Go for the jackpot. Write that article that gets 270,000 views in 2 weeks. Read, learn, study, and do your part here at Wealthy Affiliate to do what you need to do. Then take action by applying what you learn in the form of small building blocks. Take what you love doing and build yourself up to be a real force to be reckoned with. Become the worst nightmare for other webmasters to beat on the 1st page of Google, dominate the social media playing field, and then make a grand slam for the home team.

When my dad was in sales when he was a branch manager in Terminix, one thing he knew was how to make that sale. They used to have a little competition at Terminix where my father used to work, and he'd normally come out on 1st or above most of them. Then when we moved to Michigan during my 5th grade year back in Elementary School, he surprised most of the workers up there again. Speechless, everybody just minded there own business.

I don't want you to get the impression this is a game (even though it can be treated as such), but when it really comes down to them clicking that final button, the core fundamentals to sales are the only things that matter. When it all boils down to it, it's just you and your audience and how display yourself. But most importantly, do it in a way for the better of everyone rather simply for the money.

I'll be pretty busy on a new project I'm doing, but I'll be available if anybody needs any help from me. I wish you all luck with everything you do in life & I'll see you around in the halls of WA.
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Shawn Martin Premium
very sound advice. Thanks for sharing, and I may take you up on some help down the road here. :)
klrrider Premium
It is amazing how much stuff you learn about when researching niches... whether you make any $$ from them or not. My uncle used to say bartenders were the most intelligent people on the planet because they interacted with so many people from different walks of life... in fact at the time a bartender was the all time winner on Jeopardy. However I think now an IMer must be... lol.. glad to hear you are doing good... I have a couple of hand fulls of blogs falling by the wayside myself... spending all my time on the gems...!
reefswimmer Premium
Hey, good going Seth. I agree, go for the jackpot ! Funny word , jackpot. I use it but I realize it's a funny word in IM context. We go for value/service to our readers . And we do get rewarded for that. So yeah, we can go big in our value/service. Really big---and there's the jackpot ! It's for everyone.
Have fun with your new project. I look forward to hearing about it when the time is right.
kendrick Premium
Nice blog. I really enjoyed it. One day I may be able to achieve half the things you have done and then make the leap on top. Thanks for the information.