Posts by Smadronia 34
May 14, 2012
I cancelled my subscription today. I want to stay another year, but right now I'm faced with choosing one of two things: 1. Renewing my WA membership 2. Taking a class on glass pattern bars. The second option wins, because it's only offered once this year. I can renew my WA membership at any time. So, since I have to choose, it's glass. I'm sure I'll be back, just not for a bit.
I'm thinking about canceling my WA account. WA is great, but I never log in, and I'm not using the information here. So, why should I keep paying for something I don't use? I was trying to see how much it would cost if I chose to re sign up, but since we're in the middle of the free 10 days, it won't show me pricing. That, or the website has changed so much that I can't find what I'm looking for. That alone tells me I don't spend enough time here.
May 02, 2012
So, "add a nee blog" does that mean blog post, or open up a brand new blog itself? Guess this post will tell me.
January 04, 2012
Hey all, I'm back with another website listing. This is for 3 mini sites for Halloween costumes: Thor, Loki, and Sif, from the 2011 Thor movie. Since Thor and Loki will be featured in the Avengers in 2012, I figured it was worth seeing if anyone was interested in the sites. I'm not one for super heroes, and I have just too many sites to make this year, so I'm getting rid of these. They made me $170 in 2011, mostly from September and October, although Thor did make sales as early as June. The lay
I picked up an Amazon auto poster plugin last year, and then had planned on creating a whole series of websites using this plugin, around the tea niche. I'd just gotten into drinking all kinds of teas, so I thought it would be great. So I made the first site, Japanese Cast Iron Teapots. Then I forgot about the site, after rewriting 30 short blurbs about teapots, tea accessories, and teas. I added a few pages, got the site indexed, and burnt out. In short, I forgot about it.  In November I&n
July 01, 2011
I've been slower in making websites lately; part of it's the heat, and part of it's just feeling down. I thought I'd churn out 5 that was related (kid's show) but they took forever. I guess stuff I don't like takes longer. I'm trying to knuckle down and bang out the rest. I'm going to focus on cutting out the extra stuff, and getting at least 1 good quality page up on each Halloween domain. That way I can start trying to get them to rank, and then go back and add additional content as I have tim
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Someone here mentioned that the search term "zxcvbnm" has no competition, so I scooped up and made a page today.  I wonder if I'll rank. Knowing my luck, I'll end up ranking for "three breasted Albanian hookers" instead of "zxcvbnm" If you're confused, it's at the bottom of that main page.   I'm going to give it a month, add adsense, and see what happens. Top ranking is Urban Dictionary, Quantcast lists them as a mostly male, early
I logged into my neglected Street articles account, and for the life of me, I can't figure out how to add another author. I have 3, 2 I'd like to delete, and I want to add a new one.   Any tips on how to do it?
Late Thursday night, the air conditioning quit. Since the air conditioning is in a semi, this is kind of a big deal. I was cruising along in Ohio, late at night, and all I was getting was hot air. Not good. Of course it went out late Thursday, because then my co-driver and I would have to sit all weekend waiting to get repaired. Sitting = no miles = no money. So, we struck a deal with the dispatch: get us a load with time on it to the Utah terminal, and we'll run this weekend and get repaired th
June 03, 2011
I keep getting bombarded with emails from Commission Junction, so I logged in today to change my preferences. Usually I go in spurts checking CJ, I'll check it every day for a week, then forget to check for a couple weeks. I don't pay too much attention to my earnings until September, because how many folks buy costumes in the spring? I guess a few, because I got a surprise today.   So, I logged in today to edit email settings. And while I'm trying to find them, I notice the total in my com