Commissions in June?

Last Update: June 03, 2011

I keep getting bombarded with emails from Commission Junction, so I logged in today to change my preferences. Usually I go in spurts checking CJ, I'll check it every day for a week, then forget to check for a couple weeks. I don't pay too much attention to my earnings until September, because how many folks buy costumes in the spring? I guess a few, because I got a surprise today.


So, I logged in today to edit email settings. And while I'm trying to find them, I notice the total in my commissions has changed, and I'm up a few more dollars. After checking, I find out someone's ordered $65 worth of costumes through my affiliate link.


Not only was I pleased at the commission, but I also discovered that they ordered the costume I suggested, and one of the accessories. The last sale from this site was totally unrelated costumes, so this made me feel good that I could suggest a costume someone would actually buy.


Now, to get motivation to go make more websites.

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burntout Premium
Congratulations on your good fortune. You are definitely doing something right. Best of luck in all you do.
Every little success is a validation in itself and buyers don't always follow anticipated patterns.