Back to Making Websites

Last Update: January 18, 2011

So far, in 2011, I have made $0.61. Yes, 61 CENTS.

 It's discouraging.

It's also totally my fault.

95% of the money I've made so far has been related to Halloween costume sites. Halloween is long over, as is any Christmas costume shopping (elves, santa, etc), and New Year's Party shopping. I shouldn't see a whole lot in costume sales for the next 7 months.

 So, it's time to diversify. I was doing the auto blog route, but I got hung up on writing the original content for the blogs. Something about the niches I picked really didn't strike me as fun, so I found I couldn't bring myself to write the content.

So I switched gears, and I'm working on a series of tea related websites. I love tea, and I recently discovered Teavana's truly excellent, and hoity toity, teas. I'm a simple truck driver, so they're a little high class for the likes of me, but they're fun and tasty, and it's an excuse to drink hot beverages.

 So I'm taking my love of tea online. Ironically, I love Teavana, but they turned down my application in the Google Affiliate Network. all was not lost though, because they also sell through Amazon, and I've had an Amazon affiliate account for about 10 years. In addition to my affiliate account, I've picked up the Amaz-One plugin, and while I'm not totally enamored with it, I figure I can tweak the posts to suit my tastes, and between those, some pages I will write like my Halloween sites, and a few blog posts, I'll have a decent site of 30 or so pages of content and products to show the world.

It's going to take more to create these websites than it would my Halloween ones, but I think in the end, these will be more evergreen for niches.  We might drink tea mostly in cold weather, but iced tea is a populat summer drink as well.

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