Blog of The Day, Yikes

Last Update: May 19, 2011

So I logged in today, and my blog was Blog of the Day. Yikes. I'm guessing it's random, because implying my post was of serious value means WA is really reaching for content :)

And I'm joking. WA is a great resource. I wouldn't have renewed  for a second year if I didn't think it had value. 

Since I was blog of the day, I've gotten a few questions about my Halloween niche sites. Yes, I have 72 sites. Yes, Halloween is a pretty short season to build sites for. Yes, it can be a lot of work, and has the potential to be absolutely 0 reward. However, I haven't found that to be true just yet.

Here's my background on why I started these sites: I was struggling creating authority blogs. I was picking bad niches, and wasn't making any money. I was considering a new niche, and I got an email about a guy doing a website around Halloween affiliate marketing. I attended.

It was probably the best thing I'd had happen. I couldn't shell out the $500 for the training, especially since I'd just purchased my WA membership, but I figured I'd learned a lot.

 So I bought some domain names. In total, I think I bought 16 total. I ended up developing 8 of them.

Talk about a learning curve! I bet I spent 20 hours on my first site, picking a theme, editing it, writing pages. That's no article marketing, no linkbulding, no nothing. It's my worst performing site too.

It's not a very good website. Want to see it? Here you go. As you can see, the graphics are too small, and the layout isn't the best.Still, it's made money. Only $2 from Comission Junction, and maybe $5 in adsense. I'm still getting adsense clicks though, which is a good thing. this site is due for a revamp, but I have a couple sites half made that I want to finish first.

Want to see the site that made me the most money last year? It was up 3 weeks, and you may consider it in bad taste. I capitalized on the controversial costume of 2011. Here it is. It made me $28.69 in commission, plus another $10 or so in Adsense. I'd give exact figures, but my internet connection is really, really bad tonight. This site I built in about 4 hours, most of it was spent looking for a theme and finding the right articles to pad the site out with content.

 I've gotten the building down, BackupBuddy does installs. I've found a couple of sites with free wordpress themes that I can use with modification. I use SocialMonkee to backlinking (check out my resource on how to use it ). I ping my SocialMonkee backinks. I limit how many pages my site has, and I make sure to use large, easy to see graphics. I write some articles, mostly for EZine, but this year will be Street as well, and a couple for generic backlinking.

Then I move on to another site. I do these a couple hours a day, after I get done driving my semi, but before I go to sleep. when I'm home, or my truck's broken down, like it has been this week, I dump 4-8 hours a day into making sites.

Eventually, I'll branch out into other niches. I have some tea related sites, some musical instrument ones, and I want to develop those. Eventually. I just am drawn to the Halloween for whatever reason.

When I logged into CJ to see how much in commissions  the two sites I linked made, I found a pleasant surprise. One of my sites that's about a month old made some commission. And not just a dollar or two, but 25.49. Not bad for a site I've ignored for several days. And, it puts me over CJ's payment threshold with what I already had, so I'll see a deposit from them in June. Not too shabby.


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burntout Premium
Congrats on your success. 72 halloween sites is a little scary but if they all start paying you'll be parking that rig in company lot for last time. Keep up the great work.