Got Paid By CJ

Last Update: November 20, 2010

Comission Junction paid me this past friday for my Halloween costume. I checked my bank account balanceand saw the $120.36 deposited. I was thrilled.

I saw the balance on the CJ page, and I knew I was going to get paid, but knowing it in theory, and actually getting paid are two different things. Kinda like seeing $20 in adsense sit in your account for months, but not being able to be paid.

And, when I checked CJ, I have a $10 balance because someone purchased a costume last week. So even though the Halloween rush is over, I'm still seeing a little comission.

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cduane82 Premium
COngrats, and well done!
MVF Premium
Dude, so awesome. Good for you! Keep it up and go get 'em!
Labman_1 Premium
Nice to see some progress in the right direction isn't it. Congratulations!
Louise M. Premium
Grreeat! :D
Sherion Premium