Hospital and Graduation

Last Update: June 14, 2010

Well, my partner's mom is out of the hospital, they released her last Wednesday. The verdict on what she had? Most likely Rocky Mountain Spotter Fever, which matched all the signs and she had a tick like bite mark. However, there's no tick, so we'll never know.

 She's taking some class for a test, lets her work out IEP's and  other plans to help developmentally disabled kids. Great thing, but she went to class the day after she got out of the hospital. Guess logic was left behind.

 Attended my "brother in law"'s high school graduation SAturday. I'm pleased to see he graduated with a GPA above a 2.0, without knocking his girlfriend up, getting into drugs, or getting thrown out for fighting.  He wants to be a radiologist, and I wish him the best of luck.

 However, sometimes he makes me wonder. He has college to pay for this fall, and a dirt bike ticket (don't ask me) and so he spent his graduation money on an AK-47. I'm sure his father and uncles encouraged him.

 No internet marketing of any sort done while I was home, it was all pack for the visit, then visit, and set up/reformat computers.I did come to the conclusion I need to finish my second Squidoo lens tomorrow (last day I'm home). and I'm going to ditch the campaign that's for (just hoping it'll give a few sales), and then move onto the next campaign, which should make some money.

I love my 'in-laws' but the choices they make remind me that I must be more careful in mine, or I'm going to end up like them, financially unsecure.

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