I Have Affiliate Marketing ADD

Last Update: April 30, 2011

Talk about affiliate marketing ADD, or shiny new object syndrome. I've just put my Halloween websites on hold to work on a couple other things. First, I downloaded an audio lesson on $1000 in 30 days by Sean Mize. Then I watched the replay of awebinar on flipping websites. And to round it out as a hat trick, I agreed to do 1 campaign of One Week Marketing with a friend.

 See? I can't hold myself in one place right now.

I've told myself I can't do the list building on, because I don't have time to write the articles yet.  And I can't flip websites until I build up capital, either through Sean's product, or by making some websites and selling them myself.

 So, it's one campaign of OWM before I go back to Halloween websites. I'm about halfway through the lens building process for OWM, and about 3 lenses ahead of my friend. She gets distracted too, although it's not from affiliate products.

 So, back to work I go.

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