Not Sure I'm getting SEO right...

Last Update: July 21, 2010

I thought I had this SEO thing figured out, but now I'm not so sure. I've had a site up and complete for several weeks now, and while Google knows it's there, the ranking is low. Low enough the rank checker I'm using lists it as a -, and I know it counts as least as high as 191st spot. 

 So I'm wondering what I did wrong. Maybe it was the sitemap too early. Maybe it was not setting up "nofollow" in my links before Google crawled the site. Maybe it's none of the above.

 This is what I did, maybe I did it wrong:

Found a domain name with the long tailed phrase I was using, bought it.

Set up Wordpress, insalled necessary plugins. used Simple Google sitemap, and then built the sitemap. It submitted it to bing, yahoo, google, and somewhere else. Also set up the All In One SEO pack, and other addons.

Created the theme, specific to the site. Set up Ad-Sense, privacy policies, etc. Created all my pages.

 Took each page one at a time, created the content, put in the links, graphics, and polished each page, one by one.

Finished site.

Went to Squidoo and created a lens for the site. Didn't publish it, just laid out bare bones and let it sit.

Left site alone for about 2 weeks, then I submitted it to 8 social bookmarking sites.

Now, it's not in the first 5-6 pages of results. And, the top 10 aren't targetting like mine are. They're 1 page, halfway related to my search. And This site is #1 on Yahoo and on Bing for the keyword, so it seems to be working.

 So why no Google love? Should I add Google Analytics to make Google happier?

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