Social Bookmarking Backlinks Made Simple

Last Update: April 18, 2011

I hate social bookmarking, but it seems like all the rage. And lately, I've been writing a ton of articles for backlinks, but that takes time. So, I've also been usingSocialMonkee to help me with social bookmarking sites.


There's 2 drawbacks to SocialMonkee: first, the pages it submits to are fairly new. Second, the free version is pretty limited. There's also a couple good things: It's free, and you can work around the limit.

SocialMonkee claims to have over 100 social bookmarking sites, on different IP addresses and whatnot, so that Google won't consider it a link farm. That's good, but since the project's fairly new, February, I think, a lot of these sites are new. They are indexed though. I've submitted several URLs through SocialMonkee, and when I just did a google search for a couple of the sites I've submitted, I did find at least a half dozen social bookmarking links back to them. That's good.


The free version is limited, it's part of the current “freemium” web content that's coming out. If you don't want to pay $47, you only can submit to 25 sites, once per day, and you don't get the RSS feed. Also, your report only lists about half the sites they submit to, so you can't go and ping all of them.


Free has drawbacks, but also, it's not bad. It does let you submit to 25 sites fairly painlessly. All you do is input the URL, title, description, keywords, and select a category. Then you submit. You have to spin the titles and descriptions, but it doesn't take a whole lot to get it done. I can get a site ready for submission in less than 5 minutes. And, I don't have to sign up for any of the accounts. How great is that?


You can only submit one URL once, for 25 backlinks, if you're a free user, but it doesn't limit the pages you can submit. Even the SocialMonkee FAQ points out that you can submit every page on your website. So, if you have a 10 page site, that's 250 backlinks you can have for your webpage in less than 2 weeks, with about 5 minutes of work a day. Since Google likes backlinks to more than just the first page, it's a win win situation.


If you haven't tried out SocialMonkee yet, I highly recommend it. It's easy to sign up, easy to use, and actually produces backlinks I can find in Google.

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smadronia Premium
I HATE backlinking. I've done the article submission via article bot, I'd tried scial marker, and social bot, and it's such a pain. This is pretty painless. It's not the best backlinking, but it's free, and so I can't complain.
burntout Premium
Monkey see. Monkee do. My backlinking needs all the help it can get. Thanks.