Posts by Smokeywins 52
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As most of you may know, luck has not really been on my side within the last few weeks. I lost my job on the 29th, the dog got sprayed by a skunk on the 1st, woke up to fraudulent PayPal transactions on the 2nd and just found out over the weekend that someone in NY stole my identity and opened not 1 but 3 store credit cards with the likes of Macy's Nordstrom and Bloomingdales. They attempted to open a 4th with Target but the application was denied, THANK GOD!I guess what bothers me the most
but hoping I am on the right track..... I have been out of the loop for quite awhile and for some reason I keep finding myself thinking that I am not working fast enough. With all this new found free time I still was only able to complete one re-write today. Am I on the right path, or do I still need to pick up the pace?I am currently putting a fair amount of my faith and hope in achieving some form of success with my WA site, although I have not had any success with it to date. I keep thinking
As some of you may already know, I lost my job at the end of June. While I initially faced this life changing event filled with fear, I must admit that part of me is thrilled that it occurred. For once I don't find myself being startled awake every morning by the evil alarm clock, even though I do find myself waking around the same time as when I was employed.I also find myself able to get a lot more done on a daily basis, as I am now free of the distractions of the JOB, and I must admit I
Well with all the stress that has been going on in my life as of recent, my sites had been pushed to the back-burner for the time being. With less than a week left to my job, and no real knowledge of whether my contract will be extended, I finally made the decision to try and do a re-work on my IM website.Part of this process requires the rewrite of a lot of old content, which is quite daunting, especially since the majority of it is overly salesy. After much struggle, I finally finished, and up
June 18, 2012
With the right wok ethic that is....In the relatively short amount of time that I have been back and active with WA, there has been a few mentions of the idea that we will inevitably want to start to outsource some of our workload as we begin to see success in our online business. While I do love the idea of having someone else do the work for me, which ultimately allows me the free time to work on other things, there is still a part of me that can't bring myself to let go of the reigns, if
I have been trying to be good when it comes to keeping my thoughts and frustrations to myself when it comes to the WA chat, but that has lead me to go relatively MIA within the past few weeks. I keep trying to carry on general conversation, while the whole time I find myself freaking out on the inside.As most of you already know, I currently work as an IT contractor, but what many may not know is that I am to be out of a job come the end of June. While I should be putting all my time and effort
When I first started out with the Wealthy Affiliate, I must admit my approach to my websites quite general when it came to choosing my niche. Instead of narrowing it down to a specific product or market segment, I instead sought more general niches such as cat care, or product reviews.At that time I did not realize that being so scattered in my content would ultimately have a negative effect on how Google perceived, and ranked my site. I have since changed my approach, but I know there are many
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After participating in Jay's latest WAbinar, I realized that the branding of your sties plays as big of a role in the success of your business as it does for many of the well known offline brands. But for some, me included, coming up with ideas on how to brand your business can seem quite daunting, especially if this happens to be your first attempt at creating a business online.In order to help those who may find themselves a bit lost in this realm, I found this great article in the April e
While social media is a critical element to success online, many, myself included, are baffled by the do's and don'ts of communicating with our followers online. I recently read an article in the March 2012 edition of Entrepreneur that seemed to do a good job outlining the basics of interacting online, as well as some of the most common mistakes. Here's the link for your reading pleasure:
So I did my good dead for the day and called my mom to wish her a happy mothers day. But of course something that should have been an innocent call, instead left me feeling frustrated, yet again, because my parents are dead set in the idea that working for yourself is wrong, even though they have done it for 30+ years! Of course this topic of discussion reared its ugly head, yet again, after she had mentioned the glowing positive reviews one of their friends gave them after taking a look at my