Posts by Smokeywins 52
Those who have chatted with me via the WA chat are probably already aware of the fact that my parents are trying to sell their house in hopes of being able to re-locate to Florida. I just completed the re-write of their home page, and would love some feedback. I have incorporated a few keywords, and want to make sure its not overstuffed, and sounds OK. The original site is: for comparison purposes. Here's the re-write: Are you looking for a home that is close
April 30, 2012
I just finished re-writing my review page for WA. I have not gotten around to including any affiliate links yet but would love to hear what you think. Thanks in advance:
In preparation for the release of the 10 day try before you buy offer that is to be released tomorrow, I want to give my page a new look and feel to best represent the NEW WA and its OEP as my current page is too salesy and promote the old system. Where I am confused is when it comes to creating my affiliate links. I thought I had remembered Kyle mentioning that we could link to a particular training or anything else within the site, but for some reason when I go into Share wealthy affiliate
In preparation for the Free 10 day WA test drive that will be released on May 1st, I am in the process of doing a re-work on my Jens Internet Marketing Guide site. While I am already well aware that the content which it contains is out of date, I recently stumbled upon the fact that I have not 1 but 6 separate pages on my site that are hidden from website navigation, and appear to only be accessible from content that I had submitted to SA and the like. I guess what I am wondering is if the
Ok. I just completed the first round of updates to my home page. The review page still needs to be updated to encompass the OEM, but feeling a bit brain-fried at this point. Its still a work in progress and would love some feedback as I know the last paragraph just died, mostly because I didn't know where to go with it right now. There are also 2 links at the end, but for some reason they are not displaying as links for me. Anywhoo, here's my brutally honest homepage and thanks i
Regardless of the niche you find yourself in, marketers as a whole are always looking for ways to distinguish themselves from others in the same field. I recently read an article in Entrepreneur Magazine that detailed the top 10 successful marketing campaigns of 2011. I found it to be a great resource for those who may find themselves stuck in a rut, looking for a new way to make themselves stand out from the crowd. You can check the article out here:
Some of you may have noticed that I was MIA yesterday. Well, yesterday was not one of my better days, especially since the JOB had me literally sick to my stomach. Luckily doing a bit better today, but now I find myself in what seems like crunch time, to get one of my pet toy site profitable in only 2 months time. Why only 2 months you may ask? Well, that is were the sickness comes in. To those of you who don't know, I currently work FT as an IT Consultant at a large Pharmaceutical compa
After recent discussion in the WA chat surrounding the various methods that could potentially be used to promote WA, it got me thinking about what should be done with my existing IM website. I originally created this website over a year ago as part of the WA 30 Day Success Training, which I believe has since been replaced by the standard 30 Day Success plan. While I got many clicks when the site was originally created, the clicks never resulted in signups and the site has not been touched
And for once its not an oncoming train. LOL But seriously, I know I have been somewhat MIA from chat in the past few days and just wanted to give a quick update as to the progress I have been making on my "to do" list. Over the past few months I have been concentrating all my free time on decluttering the house by getting rid of stuff on eBay, and this past weekend hubby and I made some HUGE progress on that goal, we finally got the attic organized! That means that I am finally
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This is the very subject that drives my daily tasks, and also acts as fuel to the fire when I am unable to accomplish as much as I would have liked to on any given day. Since I do not have children of my own, only the 4-legged kind, my inspiration comes in the form a hope and dream to be able to spend more time with my husband, enjoying life. Just something as simple as being able to go on vacation, or even a day trip at the drop of a hat without having to ensure that the time off has been a