Posts by Smokeywins 52
While some of you may be wondering what exactly happened to day 3, well, it pretty much went by in a blur. Spent most of my time writing the content for my home page, and the rest was spent "tweaking" it via the feedback provided by the helpful people in the WA chat. Then the rest of my time was spent listing some more ribbon in my other shop whose website I have put on the back burner for the time being.  After a hectic weekend of errands, and hours spent at my parents house tro
January 12, 2012
After a two day hiatus from any form of productive work, I finally find myself back on track, despite the dreary weather in my neck of the woods.While it sucks to have lost those two days, I now see that it was a break that my body and mind so desperately needed. During those days, I found the time to add a few more items to eBay as well as get some ribbon added to my Etsy shop and in the short term it seems that those efforts have actually paid off. I have two eBay listings that will sell, and
When I started the week I felt like I was lost with no clue as to which path to follow. I guess that a few bad nights sleep can do that to a person. Luckily when I woke up this morning I had managed to get back in touch with the motivation that I had feared was gone for good.  While I had started the new year with the decision to start building, a conversation I had with Carson on Friday changed all that.  Before I knew it one website turned into 2, and I found mys
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January 10, 2012
Its only my second week back at work and I already feel like the life has been sucked out of me leaving me feeling like I don't want to do a damn thing. While I find myself yet to be slapped in the face by the overwhelming feeling that had a hold on me for so long last year, I now find myself just utterly confused as to what to do next. I know I should work on building my second site,, but then I feel myself getting distracted by stuff I still need to get rid of on eBay as
Well, here it is Sunday and I should already be at the point of researching keywords and writing articles for my site, I somehow find myself sent a bit off course due to a brief visit to the general chat on Friday. While my about me page was relatively easy to setup, I found myself doing a bit of lamenting when it came to coming up with content for my home page.  Since my shop contains all handmade products, I had originally figured that would be my niche, but there was still a nagging sens
January 05, 2012
I must admit that I am somewhat surprised with myself that I have stuck with this for so long. Here it is January 5th and I have still managed to keep the overwhelming feeling from taking its hold on me. I have also managed to login to WA on a consistent basis and have tried my best to participate as much as I possibly can, even though I am one who by far still does not have all the answers.  After spending some time in the forums, I got around to logging into my website to complete the tas
January 04, 2012
After having much success with selling a wide range of handmade goods over at Etsy, particularly kitty and puppy toys, I figured there had to be a way to utilize the article marketing techniques I learned here to help drive more traffic to my shop. While I made a decent number of sales in 2011, most of which were as a result of buying in to various treasuries that allowed my items to get featured to large numbers of other sellers, this process worked well until the evil pieces of plastic told m
January 03, 2012
As I face day 1 back at work after a week off, I already find myself fighting against the overwhelming feeling that has had a hold on me for so long. The only difference this year is that I KNOW the overwhelming feeling is always the death of any ambition that I start the day with and I am trying my best to not let this feeling take over, but I can't help but wonder, how do others do it? How do they fight the urge to let this feeling take hold? I know I am not the only one out there who currentl
Before I start, I want to first wish all my fellow WA members a Happy and Successful New Year!!! Lets achieve our goals and make this year better than the ones that came before.  For me 2011 was a mix of frustration, stress and achievements. While I had started out the year with much ambition, I did in fact complete the WA Success in 30 days plan, I quickly found myself getting overwhelmed with too many things on my to do list and as usual WA somehow got pushed to the back burner, against
November 16, 2011
I've been MIA from WA for quite awhile mainly because I have been working on building my craft business over at Etsy. Over the past few months I have built a following for both my kitty and puppy toys and just wanted to take a few minutes to share my store with my friends over here at WA.   Jennies Home Made Goods  Each of my items contains their own keywords, and for some reason I have struggled with coming up with relevant ones that would help bring more traffic to my listing