They're killing themselves!
Last Update: July 09, 2010
Hey Sports Fans,
I'm promoting the smoke cessation niche. While doing some research I've come across some pretty scary things. I've smoked for 30 some-odd years.I have come across some sites that have literally scared me into quit smoking. If I can quit, anybody can quit. I've come to the conclusion that anybody who smokes cigarettes is killing themselves! Since I have quit smoking I feel much better. I have energy that I never knew I had! I am much more motivated in any endeavor that I pursue. If people who smoke only realized how bad cigarette smoking was tearing up their bodies, they would quit in a heart beat. Smoking is a lose lose situation. I really want to keep this short and sweet, so I"ll get off my soapbox before I get on it.
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Respect! Congratulations on giving up cigarettes. It's the worst! My dad was so addicted, he literally smoked 2 cigarettes at a time. I don't know how young he was when he started smoking. He never quit and now we don't have him. I don't smoke, but I just gave up ice cream. It was hard, but I did it. We have cholesterol issues in the family, so I had to get off the stuff.