About Sportsnut
Joined January 2010
Hey, Sports Fans, and welcome from beautiful Birmingham, Alabama. I am glad to be a part of the Wealthy Affiliate. I'm your typical Southern Gentleman. I like bass fishing, college football, and NASCAR. I'm a firm believer in God and country. Working from home beats the hell out of working for The Man any day.Although I didn't go to Auburn,I CAN read, and I don't color in library books,or on my blog! ROLL TIDE!!!!!
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Sherion Premium
Hey, thanks for the Gold. I have added you as a buddy and feel free to add me. Let me know if I can help with anything.
medgar Premium
Hi, Sportsnut
How's this for a deal. You be my buddy and I'll be yours. We newbies have to stick together, you agree? I can't say I'm a sports nut but hey, it takes all types, right? I believe in God and country (not your country though, I'm, a New Zeaslander). I'm living in China and looking to earn some money to supplement my tiny Chinese salary.
Regards, Mike
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Jamie Smith Premium
Please feel free to go through my buddy list. On each profile there is a link in the upper right hand corner that lets you add the buddy.
sportsnut Premium
Jamie.how do i get "buddies"?
sportsnut Premium
It's still early, and I'll be around for a while.So please show me a little love and volunteer to be my buddy. LOL
sportsnut Premium
As I think I've said previously,I'm new to all this WA stuff. But I think I need five volunteers to be my buddy. LOL ! Then I will have my action plan completed for section 2