FREE Alternative To Adobe Photoshop

Last Update: May 04, 2012

Hello WA Members!

You can do some cool graphics with Adobe Photoshop but it doesn't come cheap.

So, for us thrifty and resourceful Internet Marketers, FREE is always good.

Now there is a learning curve, but if you love to create graphics, banners, edit photos, or to anything "artsy," you'll have a blast learning about what it can do.

The first alternative is Gimp and can be found here: 

They have tutorials there as well under "Documentation."


The second Photoshop alternative is


Here's where you can find a list of Plugins for  Plugins make it easy to create cool effects

Here's a quick tutorial on how to make a Banner with


Go to Morgue File for free images you can use in your banners.  Double check the License Terms but most are all FREE to use, even Commercially, with NO Attribution Required.

Have fun, but I warn you, it can get pretty addicting:)


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Thanks for the suggestions, I'll check these out!
SquidooSlfMstr Premium
WARNING: these graphic editors can be addicting:)
Sielke Premium
Also check out, when I was deployed on government computers I couldn't install anything and used Aviary as my Photoshop alternative.
SquidooSlfMstr Premium
Hey Kyle:

You've proved there is another benefit of putting out information and tutorials. If there's another way to do something, ESPECIALLY it it's better, faster, easier, or cheaper, the Original Poster will learn from comments (like yours). Thanks, I'll check that out.

TIP: Those are always great marketing words to use>>> better, faster, easier, or cheaper

OK, I have to get some sleep:( See you all later.
kyle Premium
Yeah, absolutely. The powerful thing about posting stuff is that you can get collective input. There are 100 different ways to do things in the wild west that we call the Internet and having a discussion about certain topics can add some solidarity. :)

One thing that I forgot to add is that I use SnagIt for all my screenshots and is a wonderful tool,but it is also a paid one (they have a 30 day trial if you want to check it out). I know some others here are using it and find it useful...and something that anyone looking to produce quality screenshots efficiently might want to check out.
kyle Premium
Awesome suggestions Charles! Although we typically use photoshop for more elaborate projects, I have used some of the free editors out there. Pixlr is a good one.

These sorts of editors can be used to compress image size as well (speed up site) as well as edit screenshots that you take for the purpose of tutorials or training that you create here within the Open Education Project.