About Successempress
Joined April 2009
Greetings-I am Monica, a consistent entrepreneur as I've never held a job more than 10 years (offline). I have tried IM with PPC via adwords, and after 4 months I broke even, then went downhill. I put my IM on hold until now, and am going to work this program entirely. I am determined to make a great income online.
I have 2 grown daughters (probably older than Kyle and Carson) and they live in NZ. I live in Colorado with a hubby who is disabled, so it is very important I do well!
I love writing, reading,walking outside, traveling, beaches, etc. I also love cyber space, yet I don't have any friends my ageish who are into IM, so perhaps this community will help me feel less alone.
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winkeys Premium
Hi Monica, liked what you had to say about yourself. Had to chuckle because my kids are older than Kyle and Carson for sure.... what does "less alone" look like for you?
successempress Premium
Hi Jan, Thanks for the note! You can add me as a buddy if you'd like, and I'll do the same, let me know. In answer to your question- less alone means communicating with real people about this business. Personally, I don't know one person who is affiliate marketing. Youch, that gets lonely. Hope that answers your question. LOL!
MrAlaska Premium
LOL my oldest is 13 now and from where i sit that makes ME feel old! But i guess yer only as old as ya feel, and after working today i feel about 80. so where does that exactly leave us? Hmmm.... Anyhow Welcome to WA. I look forward to hearing from you in the future.
successempress Premium
Hi, and thanks for the welcome. I'll make you a buddy. How did you get a gold earning?
willrobert Premium
I am not sure if I am your ageish, but I will tell you that my oldest is about 9 years younger then Kyle and Carson and I was about Kyle and carson's ageish when I had my first... HMMMM, can you do the math? Good luck and keep in touch! Will
successempress Premium
Hi, and thanks for the welcome. I'm hoping if I do the footwork, follow the 8 week plan the "secret key" will become visible! I want to build a site and sell real physical products and avoid ppc for as long as possible...LOL
eve Premium
Hi young lady! Just popped in to let you know you are not as old as you think! They tell me 60 is the new 40, so that makes me 44!! There are a few more like me here as well. We are never too old to learn and certainly never alone here. I wish you every success.
Eve (definitely younger than Adam!)
successempress Premium
Hi Eve,
Thank you for your support. I am basically like you..the new 40..will happen in June for me! Do you have a website yet? Have you used the site rubix? I'm just on day 1 but really want to get a site up...please keep in touch. Monica
Curtisnh Premium
Hi Monica: glad to meet you and welcome. Curtis
successempress Premium
Thanks Curtis - for the welcome! I agree, cyberspace is a whole new language and each way of marketing is a new course. Good luck to you n your fiancee.
successempress Premium
Hi Curtis,
Thanks for the welcome. I can't get enough of this great community, sooo much to learn n read! :)