April Showers

Last Update: April 28, 2011

Why does it pour when it rains?  I've had a few issues to deal with in my personal and work life the past 2 weeks, and now my Internet Marketing adventure is dumping rain on me.  Where did the sun go?  Oh yeah, it's just April.


Last night Google emailed me to inform me that my Ad Words account has been deactivated because I've violated their terms AGAIN.  My Adwords Campaign points to a landing page for the Mad Marketing Method opt-in.  When it was deactivated before, I had my ads pointing to a page promoting Wealthy Affiliate.  Google didn't like that, so I switched the ads to point to the opt-in page for a free resource. 

The person who reviewed the changes I made to my account said that my ads were no longer violating Google's terms of service.  Less than one month goes by, and I hadn't made any updates or changes to my site or ad campaign, Google deactivates my account again for the same reason as before!  Really?  The right hand doesn't know what the left is doing at that company.  I'm not breaking any of their rules, yet some Google Intern thinks they found a violation.  I pulled my ads, I'm sick of being told I'm a bad person when that just isn't the case.  I'll take my business elsewhere.

That wasn't the only thing getting under my skin yesterday.  Out of the Blue, my newest website becomes corrupt.  I was following the Success in 30 Days club with it and had just submitted an article for Day 7.  The SA Article Editor notes that the link to my site wasn't working.   I checked myself and get this message:

Blocked by mod_slotlimit. More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Once in a while I can get my site to partially load, log into wp-admin, or check email, but the window of opportunity lasts about a minute before the message overtakes the browser.  Everything is garbled up and half loaded when I can sneak a peak at my site.  I don't know what happened to it nor how to fix the bug.

I can't drive traffic to a site that is in flames.  I'm going to continue to write articles, but either save them as draft or save them to my hard drive until I figure out how to get my site up and running correctly again.  I lost a good amount of sleep before giving up on it yesterday.  I was hoping it would go away by itself when I returned after work today, but the problem remains.

I live in Oregon.  It rains all the time here.  I've learned to live with it and enjoy the days that are sunny.  Summer is just around the corner and I'm going to love it up.  For now, I must keep working. 

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