Posts by Tans 17
I regularly check out the blog posts of all of the newbies here at WA and I try to welcome as many of them as possible because that is one of the things I really like when I first joined WA. Finally, it appeared that I had found a site where people actually interacted and wanted to make the time to help and get to know you. But, what I find really disturbing is how few women seem to be joining! An online business that is flexible and gives you the opportunity to work from home is the ideal busin
Auckland is undergoing a massive political shift! For the average person in and around Auckland, it will have a very large impact in a number of foreseen and unforeseeable ways! But, that is not why I write. I was prompted to write this blog post because last week, two fairly high profile would be Mayors (John Banks and Andrew Williams) of the supercity displayed what can only be called juvenile and unacceptable behaviour motivated only what I would term "excessive testosterone". Both
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Well, after my last post I've been through a few very different emotions. It is a few weeks on and no techies can retrieve my 50+ posts and 12 months of work. But... and here's the big but: I'm kind of thinking it's a good thing. In part, my blog was a diary of my inexperience and newbie-ness. Some of the articles I wrote early on really could do with some "realness" instead of parroted writing. So, I am going back to the drawing board happily! I see this as an opportunity to re-inve
May 14, 2010
This is a definite plea for help! Has anyone ever had their entire blog disappear? I happily hit the link for my blog sign in because I had an especially good blog post idea - I waited BLANK!! - a blank page with the message at the bottom - Done. I'm screaming what? It's not done - where's my bloody blog. So, I thought I would sleep on it an it would magically appear back where it's supposed to be today but no luck. Has anyone experienced this before?  I've emailed word press but communica
March 10, 2010
Hey, I am constantly surprised by the amount of help at WA. Like so many stories on people's "About Me's" that I read - I belonged, signed up and paid for so many crappy sites. And man were they crappy! What did they teach me? I learnt that sales pages are a load of rubbish and that there was no site out there that could actually live up to the claims of the sales letters and ad campaigns. Then - Lo and behold - WA!! When I first joined WA, I made the mistake of thinking that no-one in
March 07, 2010
Hey everyone, I just wanted to put the instructions up for the Ezines competition through Youtube. For anyone that hasn't done any video marketing yet, this could be the ideal opportunity to get some traffic and boost your WA campaign. I'm in the process of doing one up now. Have a look if you're interested. Let me know how you go! See you on Youtube. Tania.   Become a part of our latest collaborative video project and shamelessly promote your article writing and marketing success
March 03, 2010
I just looked at my previous blog and have since realised that I got the $10,000 figure wrong! What a laugh. I must have been totally immersed in a panic attack! It's not usually my way to feel sorry for myself but I think in this business there are always going to be ups and downs. Actually, that's life not just this business.  So, onward and upward. Since that blog, I have been tweeking my BING campaigns and asked Marcus to check it as well to see if there was anything I was doing wrong -
After a lovely weekend away and a massive change to my MSN campaign last week (including a heap of new keywords) I came home to find that my new campaign settings hadn't improved the campaign one Iota! I've increased the relevance of my landing pages, spent hours researching keywords that I think will be paying ones, re-visited the PPC, Writing great adcopy, and creating the perfect landing page training to see if there was something that I was missing. I'm nearly at my wits end and wondering wh
February 08, 2010
I'm happy to report that after the blog that I read last time and the super affiliate PPC training I have been motivated to have another look at my landing pages, create three more, write another couple of articles and investigate a whole lot more keywords! I'm pretty happy with the accomplishments now I just have to monitor it all closely to see if it all pays off in the way of sales.  Fingers crossed. Hard work and a bit of luck have got to get the ball rolling well and truly! I want thi
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I read a post yesterday from WA about how sales don't come by accident! It was by far the best post that I could have read at that moment. I've been working hard to make my work from home internet marketing business really successful. Sometimes 10 hour days but always six days a week. So, I have all my ducks in a row but I have been getting hardly any sales. I was bummed.  But, after reading that blog yesterday I was re-motivated and have been steam rolling my small goals since. I wanted to
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