10000 impressions - 0 conversions! Help!

Last Update: February 15, 2010

After a lovely weekend away and a massive change to my MSN campaign last week (including a heap of new keywords) I came home to find that my new campaign settings hadn't improved the campaign one Iota!

I've increased the relevance of my landing pages, spent hours researching keywords that I think will be paying ones, re-visited the PPC, Writing great adcopy, and creating the perfect landing page training to see if there was something that I was missing.

I'm nearly at my wits end and wondering whether the WA affiliate program is just too saturated to make any money in??  I'd love to hear thoughts on that.

So, after having a bit of a rave, I slapped myself around a bit and launched into finding more keywords that may be more successful than the ones I've got??

I've read and re-read beating adwords, read up on all of the MSN stuff for improving campaigns but it still doesn't seem to be working out. I know I'm missing something but I just can't seem to put my finger on it.

Next step is to try Yahoo and Adwords to see if I can increase conversions there. It seems that keywords that have a 30,000 search volume in the google keyword tool isn't reflected in MSN searches? Don't get that either.

All I can say is, I find this a great challenge most days and I will again tomorrow. But, today - I was a bit bummed.

Hope all of your campaigns are going well. Pointers well received always!

Onward and upward!


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