Great Success Stories

Last Update: January 05, 2010

I just finished reading slugger_mn's blog post about blogger monkeys and after being away and out of range to work on my business it was a great read. Definitely a good blog to get you back on track after a very peaceful refreshing holiday.

My aim this month is to get another five pages up and running for WA. It seems the most popular key words so far for my advertising campaign are "work from home" through microsoft ad center so I will be tailoring sales pages for WA directly related to those words.

I've been focusing on increasing traffic to my squidoo lenses which are coming along  well and I would love to hear from anyone who is having success through those. I've been ranked 5/5 by 5 people which is great but I need to generate more traffic to make them really worthwhile. Maybe I'll take a leaf out of sluggers book and article market them. lol

Happy New Year everyone! Here's to a great 2010!

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