Plug for Marcus

Last Update: November 23, 2009

It's been so long since I posted on WA that I almost forgot how to do it. I've been really busy writing articles, tweaking my website for SEO optimisation and posting to my blog. But, I've also been fighting/struggling and swearing at Google Adwords!

Without being egotistical, I think that I have a pretty good grasp of the english language and a fairly broad vocabulary. But, do you think I can find the keywords on Google Adwords to get an ad on page one? Nope! I struggled with it for four days and created multiple campaigns in case I'd had the Google slap! But still I got the status - "Not shown" for various reasons. 

Then, along came Marcus! A nicely timed email in my inbox pointing me in another direction. Twenty minutes after reading the training series for BING sign ups, I had an ad up and active.

So, for anyone reading this who is struggling with getting an active ad campaign, I strongly recommend that you take the leap, follow Marcus' training (donate him some Gold - for being so full of good advice) and get your ad campaign up and going.

Thanks Marcus!

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