Day 4

Last Update: June 04, 2011

I wish i could say that it only took me four days to get to this, but it didnt, lol. Well no ones perfect. 

Primary notes of interest is in the system of obtaining valuable key word searches. Bookmarking webpages such as Ehow, Wikipedia and Thesaurus .com sites proved valuable for later uses. Didnt find the Wiki to be overly valuable for keyword searches, but i know it'll prove its usefulness later on. 

 Made unconscious effort to organize keywords based on article power to compliment est traffic in key word searches. Useful when beginning to write articles as such to pertain to the relevance of domain name or for website description for that matter. Came upon about 30 keyword phrases ranging under 500 in regards to competition. Contemplating whether to start day 4 now or get up tomorrow morning and start fresh; probably after church though : )


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winch330 Premium
hey!! I just read your daily journals!! I myself are also writing a daily journals just to keep myself on track and I wrote a condensed version of the day to day assignments for the 30 day success club. Feel free to check it out!
Good things always take time so just take your time. I don't think the 30 day club is a race nor do I think it must be completed in 30 days.