Hey peeps more insight!

Last Update: May 01, 2011

Havent been blogging like I should...minus 8 pts for Thadius. I have been actively engaging in Squidoo and gets things started on that side. I want to give Pot Pie Girl Two Thumbs way up for her helpful tutorial on making lens and getting started quickly. The only thing im confused about is whether or not I should give her all 11 gold coins or just a few in case someone else comes along with another awesome quick start tutorial. lol. Decisions ..decisions. Well we'll start off by at least giving her five and give more depending on my mood, heh eh. laterz


P.S PLEASE....PLEASE.....PLEASE .....Kyle and Carson.....let me join the 30 day club.....I KNOW I CAN DO IT....i was just a little overwhelmed in the beginning and got a little paralysis of the mind for a sec there. PLeeeeasssee.

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Labman_1 Premium
Thadius, go to your home page (look in the upper left corner under the Forum menu item is the word Home, Click this) in the left column there is an item for the 30 day club.