doing this..b/c K&C told me to

Last Update: February 05, 2011

I never really understood the hype behind blogging. Is it about empathizing with a  person's trials and triubulations in dealing with life? What do people get out of it? I think its almost like watching or reading a soap opera. 

I must admit that while I am engaging in this mundane act, It does feel a little liberating....putting my thoughts out there. Not really sure why other people would want to read about them. However, maybe im suppose to have a certain focus on a blog, which then other people might want to converse about.

Ok, here peace. Shouldnt we all just get along????  *Sigh* well im done with this..laterz

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jatdebeaune Premium
That was funny. Blogging is just connecting. Share an idea, let off steam, share an experience, get to know your buddies.That's all. Now, how does that feel?