If You are Feeling Low Take a Little "Faith"

Last Update: June 16, 2011

This story was sent to my wife as a chain E mail, but for once it was so good and inspiring I thought I would post it to give all of you who are ever feeling a little down in the dumps some Faith. His determination shows us all the way we should go too! If everyone tried as hard as him we would all be millionaires like Kyle and Carson, period!


This dog was born in Dec 2002. He was born with 2 legs

He of course could not walk when he was born. Even his mother did not want him.

His first owner also did not think that he could survive and he was thinking of 'putting him to sleep'.

But then, his present owner, Jude Stringfellow, met him and wanted to take care of him.

She became determined to teach and train this little dog to walk by himself.

She named him 'Faith'.

In the beginning, she put Faith on a surfboard to let him feel the movement.

Later she used peanut butter on a spoon as a lure and reward for him for standing up and jumping around.

Even the other dog at home encouraged him to walk...

Amazingly, only after 6 months, like a miracle, Faith learned to balance on his hind legs and to jump to move forward.

After further training in the snow, he could now walk like a human being.

Faith loves to walk around now.

No matter where he goes, he attracts people to him.

He is fast becoming famous on the international scene and has appeared on various newspapers and TV shows.

There is now a book entitled 'With a Little Faith' being published about him.

He was even considered to appear in one of Harry Potter movies.

His present owner Jude Stringfellew has given up her teaching post and plans to take him around the world to preach that even without a perfect body, one can have a perfect soul'.


In life there are always undesirable things, so in order to feel better you just need to look at life from another direction.

I hope this message will bring fresh new ways of thinking to everyone and that everyone will appreciate and be thankful for each beautiful day.

Faith is the continual demonstration of the strength and wonder of life.

A small request: All you are asked to do is keep this story circulating.

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jatdebeaune Premium
This little noble creature goes right to my heart. I've seen it before, happy to see it again. Inspiring! Thank you for sharing.
Sherion Premium
Thanks for sharing this. I saw Faith on the Oprah show and was amazed then too.
burntout Premium
A great message, and pretty dog gone cool.
chunkynonkey Premium
there are ANGLES -amongst us, no doubt in my mind what so ever, i myself am an animal lover ,have taken the unwanted, neglected, abused cats, dog of all shapes colors,4-u-c, i myself know what its like 2- b homeless.-bill
Jamie Smith Premium
Awesome blog, thanks for sharing! very cool