A Common Thing But Exciting for Me

Last Update: June 04, 2010

I submitted my first article to Ezine and it was accepted today!  The email also said my article would be sent to the RSS feed!  I know this is probably just a canned response, but it really made my week.  Now I'm ready to submit more.  This really helped with my confidence.  I searched for my keywords on Google and my article came up on page 4.   Now I know these techniques really work!

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tport144 Premium
My second article was accepted as well! I'm working on getting more out there, I just wish I had more time. Too bad my job gets in the way :)
jatdebeaune Premium
You're right. Every success begets more success. Keep writing! All the best.
Garage667 Premium
Congratulations!This is inspiring and motivating for everybody here at WA!Keep up the good work!Cheers
Sherion Premium
Congrats! That is great. We all need these encourgaging words. I love the pic. Can I add you to my buddy list?