Benefits or Features? What To Offer To Your Customers?

Last Update: June 07, 2012
Every product comes with Features and Benefits, but what do you offer to your potential customers to convince them to buy from you? When I first learned this "trick", I thought to myself: "What's the difference?"

Features are the characteristics or attributes of the product. In other words, these are options that make a product more appealing, but they are not necessities.

Examples of Features:
  • Touch Screen Monitor
  • Backlit Keyboard
  • Wireless Mouse
  • Free Web Hosting

Benefits are the solutions to your customer's problems and desires. Benefits will give your customers what they need.

Examples of Benefits:
  • Hands-free operation
  • Easy to use in the dark
  • Operate from anywhere in the room
  • No need to pay for separate web hosting
Now, the answer is really obvious to me. If I want to convince my potential customers that my product will be the best solution for their problem, I need to tell them how it will fill their NEEDS! Features are great, but every product has features. People expect a product to have them. Explaining that the benefits of the features are going to make their life easier will convince them that they need to buy your product.

Now, I'm off to revise a few of my webpages to add benefits instead of features.
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Carson Premium
tport144 Premium
Thank you for the encouragement!
Kurt-85 Premium
I think "benefits" do because they strike more emotion inside of people. And most people buy on some kind of emotion...
Carson Premium