Success and Success and Success

Last Update: August 18, 2012
Too often we measure success by how much money we make. The greatest drawback of measuring ourselves this way is that when we are not making money, we feel like we are failing. The best way to combat this is to change the way you perceive success. If you are feeling down and need a way to motivate yourself, make a list of your achievements and post them where you can see them any time you start to feel discouraged. Keep adding to this list for every accomplishment, big or small, and by the end of a week you will be able to see and feel the difference in your confidence level. Too often we focus on what we have failed to do without even realizing it which will drive you to focus on the negative and subconsciously damage your self-esteem. By listing your successes, you are training yourself to focus on the positive things around you, no matter how big or small. The end result will be a more confident, energetic, POSITIVE YOU!

My Great Successes for This Week:
  • I was able to survive the entire week doing not only my own job (Operations Manager for a multi-million dollar food manufacturing company), but also cover the Production Planning position while the Planner is on vacation (barely!)
  • I passed my final exam in Accounting with a "B"! I am very excited about this because I have been too busy to study!!
  • I "refreshed" my Wealthy Affiliate landing page. So far I have been getting a lot of traffic but click-through's and no conversions. Key indicator that I needed to change it. Hopefully I'll see some results soon!
  • I have been writing content for articles on my lunch breaks. I haven't published any articles yet this week but I have a TON of content ready to be worked into articles (See how this is focusing on the POSITIVE?)
I am looking forward to another amazingly successful week!
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