As Soon As Things Are Looking Good

Last Update: May 27, 2011

I was on target to be submitting 1-2 articles every day and keep on track for the 30 in 30 Challenge, then the water supply line to the toilet in our upstairs bathroom decided to pop.  Good news is, we heard it happen so damage was minimal, but there is damage.  3 days of water remediation, now we have to hire a contractor to replace the floor, ceiling and a light fixture that was turning into a water feature.  Oh well, I'll try to catch up somehow.

Funny thing is, we had a pipe break in a wall downstairs last year that flooded about 90% of the 1st floor.  Took over a week to dry out and over 4 months to get fixed due to our mortgage company holding the insurance check forever.  This incident happened 2 days shy of the 1 year "anniversary" of that hellish time. 

I guess you just have to laugh!  I wonder if my insurance company finds it as funny as I do?

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tport144 Premium
Thank you all! :) I am just going to keep smiling and plan a graduation party for my son. OMG he's graduation high school on Thursday and then off to college in August!!!
jatdebeaune Premium
What a nuisance, especially when you are on a roll. This too will pass. I guess life happens. Hope all goes smoothly.
dataplextech Premium
Oh I do hate water damage of any kind. It's so hard to clean up and if you have to replace parts of drywall or ceiling - yuk what a pain. Just cover everything in plastic or old bed sheets until the construction is over. But it'll get done and before you know it things will be back to normal. :)
Labman_1 Premium
The insurance companies plan on a certain amount of payouts. Don't worry they can afford it.
Calamities like this don't usually feel amusing at the time and insurance companies don't have amusement parks. You know in the alphabet "O" always comes before "P" so when I'm faced with a "P" (problem) I always look for the "O" (opportunity) which is not always easy to do when your mind is totally focused on the "P" but try stepping back from the "P" and see if you have missed the "O" cos maybe life has something better for you right now than winning the 30 in 30 challenge. Best Wishes, JR.