First Sale!! Yeah!!

Last Update: August 25, 2010

I've been working on Affiliate Marketing  in my spare time and I got my first sale!  I'm still spinning and having trouble believing it's real!  Now that I know this really works I am going to put even more effort into my marketing campaigns! 

Thank you to all of the members for your help and encouragment!

Good luck to all of you.  If you haven't made that first sale yet, keep learning and taking action!  It will happen!

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Louise M. Premium
Congratulations!!! :)
Penelope Premium
So happy for you, I am looking forward to my first sale. I
wish you many more...
famousplumber Premium
Alright! Good job! After reading "magistudios" comment, I don't feel so weird! I've got copies of checks on my wall! I am truly happy for you.
magistudio Premium
Awesome Job! I have a printout of my first sale notification on my wall and it's a great source for inspiration for me.
Felio Premium
Congrats! A gold for your achievement.