I Felt Like Giving Up Until Last Night

Last Update: November 03, 2010

I have been with WA for several months and have only made one sale, unless you count $0.02 from Google Adsense (LOL!).  I am promoting WA and every time I think I'm doing things right, I seem to hit another dead end.  I am going through really tough times in my life right now (who isn't) and I'm really feeling beat down.  I have been thinking about giving up on IM. 

Last night I was reading my son's personal statement (he's writing it up for college applications).  He spoke about all of the struggles we have been through as a family and how we have come through all of them stronger and closer together.  His closing statement was that he is thankful for all of his experiences, even the negative ones, because it has taught him to "Never Give Up"! 

How can I give up on something I know will work just because I'm having bad luck?  I need to pick myself up, dust off, and start over again.  Maybe start promoting something other than a work from home product and see where it gets me  Now, off to find coffee....

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Felio Premium
I got this feeling of giving up IM also to cut down on my monthly expenses. What happen if I stop my membership in WA and join back later?
mr.billee Premium
bless you and your son 4-your spirit i need 2- here this often myself am in my early sixties retired sometimes use it as a excuse,we are a united family indeed.-bill
Jamie Smith Premium
never give up, always keep moving forward
Labman_1 Premium
From the mouths of babes eh? I seem to remember reading somewhere to take massive action. I just finished reading a post from Pixote in the forums( Succes Stories). Now that is massive action. If you have a couple of things out there and you are making some progress. Well, get some more out there. If things are not working for you...hmmm. Find your passion. Chunk down to a manageable product and go for it. Looks like you are a horse person. Might be something there.
prinker Premium
I'm in the same boat; been here a few months and haven't made any sales yet; I sometimes wonder if it is worth it, but I know one day something big is going to happen. We all have those days, but in the end I remember there is always someone that has it worse than I and I should be thankful for what I do have. Good Luck to us all making some sales!