Learning by Doing

Last Update: June 01, 2012
It's finally Friday! I have been waiting for this day all week =)

I am going to stay simple today with my post about what I have learned. Mostly because I am REALLY tired.

While I was typing up my rather long blog post yesterday, I realized that while I was typing up what I had learned, I was teaching myself even more! I kept going back over what I was typing and adding a bit more detail here and a bit more detail there. What was happening was that I was still learning about finding my target "audience" and the lightbulb kept flashing on. I actually had to cut it short as I realized I could keep going on and on and on about it!

Hopefully this post makes sense when I read it over tomorrow. I think it's time for some hot tea and a fluffy pillow.

'Night all!
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Sometimes it can be the hardest thing to switch off. Good to get rest and start again refreshed.