Motivational Tip to Stay on Task

Last Update: May 30, 2012
My resolution to write every day is helping me stay active with WA and encouraging me to participate in the WA community. The one thing that it is lacking, though, is a purpose. I can log in and write a blog post every day, but that is not quite the same as taking action to further my desire to have a successful Online Business.

Here is my Master Plan to make sure I take action:

I will write at least one blog post about what I have learned each day that will move me one step closer to my goals!

What I learned today:

I really DO have knowledge that I can share with the WA community through and I CAN create tutorials that will be of benefit!

Have a great night everyone!
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kyle Premium
You absolutely do. You also have knowledge that is a valuable asset to your business and you have a lot of knowledgeable people here at WA that you can connect with to further scale your businesses success!

Although this blog post may seem like a minor step, the fact that you made this is very significant. I believe you are well on your way and if you do get stuck, you know where to come for help! :)
tport144 Premium
Thank you for the encouragement!