My Trick to Make Writing Easy

Last Update: May 28, 2012
A very wise person once told me that the trick to make writing easy is to begin by writing anything and everything. Random thoughts and ideas, recap of daily events, to-do lists, etc. Set aside a time every day to write things down, whether on a personal Blog, in a Word document or in a notebook, just write it down. After doing this consistently for a couple of weeks, you will find that you can sit down to write and the words will flow effortlessly from your fingertips! Why? Not only will you have established a routine for writing, you will have worked through the "getting started" phase that can be very intimidating! Since this paragraph took me 10 minutes to write, I'm going to get started right away!
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Alam Premium
Go for it..
BIS Premium
Good tips - yes I write every day without fail. It doesnt always flow from the fringer tips but it's certinly a good discipline to adopt.
slayton1s Premium
Thankfully my dad's real good with writing so I didn't have much of a problem learning from him & putting it to action with online blogging. If I write simply from my head, I can write up an article in like 10 - 15 minutes. Then of course you have to add the time it takes to get the picture or whatever else you're putting up with it. This isn't including epic articles that are like 1,000 words or more of course. Just like barely 400 worded type of articles.

I actually feel sorry for people trying to make money online still in the learning stages of how to write period.... It's hard enough trying to build yourself up to the point of making an online income / understanding everything you need to know.
Deezdz Premium
Great tips. Getting started is always the hardest for me. Some weeks I follow a schedule and others I don't. Your advice to get into a routine, same time everyday, would definitely benefit me.
jpnetco Premium
Ah..Yes. the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Also, that reminds me of a joke... Do you know how to eat an elephant? One bite at a time.