OMG! How Long Have I Been Gone!?!

Last Update: May 26, 2012
I just logged into my account after about a year and everything is so different! I have to admit that I feel a little lost at the moment, but I am going through the tutorials and trainings to get back up to speed. The "new" WA is so amazing! I can't wait to dive back in and be a part of the community again!

The only bad thing: My WA promotional website is SO outdated! I am going to have to give it a complete facelift this weekend. Funny thing is, after checking the stats on the affiliate links I have on the site, I realized that if my site was current, I would probably be making some significant sales right now!
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slayton1s Premium
Hey there. I actually just re-joined about 1 month ago like you, lol. College & other things were weighing me down but I should be back for good now anyway. I actually joined back in April of 2011. Nice to have you back.
Carson Premium
tport144 Premium
Welcome back!
georgejhaas Premium
Welcome back! As you mentioned, there is a lot of new stuff in WA and for the better. We are all here to help one another to become the best online marketers on the planet. I am sure that you will find something to help you in your website development and promoting products that make you money. Good Luck!
tport144 Premium
Thank you! I am excited to get started again!
Sielke Premium
Wow, your last blog post was almost exactly a year ago (1 day off!) maybe this about the time when all the planets align. Anyway, glad to have you back and I'm sure you'll be a great re-addition to the community.
tport144 Premium
Thank you! It is definitely time for me to stop procrastinating and start making some positive changes in my life, beginning here :)
Carson Premium
tport144 Premium
I can't wait to see the upgrades! As always, thank you for the help and support!
jchilders Premium
Welcome back! Yeah WA got a complete facelift, lipo, and some 'augmentation' done a couple months(?) ago.

I need to go back and update my WA promo site's still on the old format. I've been focusing on a new site the last couple months, but once it's to a 'steady' state I plan to go overhaul my site as well.

See you around!

tport144 Premium
Thank you! :)