Posts by Tpriem 3
I'm on Day 23 of the curriculum, trying to add Adsense to my site! However, I'm wondering if my privacy policy is up to snuff regarding Google's requirements for adding Adsense.Thus, my questions:1) Do you have any good privacy policy examples to refer me to?2) Do I have to write my own policy, or am I allowed to copy and paste some else's privacy policy with the exception of making a few minor changes?3) Since I'm totally new to Adsense, does anyone know of any really good t
I began WA March 9th of this year (2012). I have been working on the 30 Days to Success program as much as time will allow. It is now July 9, four months since I first began! Though I am only now on Day 19 of the curriculum, I am happy with my time spent with WA so far.My accomplishments thus far:I have a domain name.I have a blog.I am currently one of the top 20 authors for Street Articles.I now have a Facebook account.I now enjoy working on the computer, whereas at one time I was skeptical of
Hey All, So apparently I have 6 comments on my new site (first one I've made). However, I'm not sure that they are truly comments. Here's what my email reads regarding the posts: "A new pingback on the post . . . is waiting for your approval." So what do I do with these pingbacks (which I don't even know what a pingback is!)? Do I approve them, trash them or spam them? Any suggestions are quite welcome here. Thanks! -Tessa