Question regarding comments on my website

Last Update: May 05, 2012

Hey All,

So apparently I have 6 comments on my new site (first one I've made). However, I'm not sure that they are truly comments.

Here's what my email reads regarding the posts: "A new pingback on the post . . . is waiting for your approval."

So what do I do with these pingbacks (which I don't even know what a pingback is!)? Do I approve them, trash them or spam them?

Any suggestions are quite welcome here.



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most comments in wordpress are spam .. read the comment in your dashboard and if it's not related to content , then don't approve .
tpriem Premium
Thanks for responding, maksi:)
Labman_1 Premium
tpriem Premium
Labman, I'm gonna look at this link; thank you for sending it!
Pingbacks are email notifications you get from blogging platform like WordPress if someone links to a post on your blog. It may be harmless, but publishing it with out knowing may have some negative impacts on ranking of your blog pages. You can Please cruise over Wordpress tutorial to learn more about it. You can disable it too if needed from the "settings" option. Regards.
tpriem Premium
Thanks, Sourabh, for responding. I'm a beginner and do need help. Thanks for taking the time.