Are Google Serps Inconstant?

Last Update: June 17, 2012
I've been noticing ever since Penguin that many of my sites are bouncing around like crazy between pages 1 - 6. Everyday I have pages ranking way differently then they were the day before. I'll notice a forum that ranked higher than mine one day, and then the next the forum isn't to be found 10 pages deep and all of a sudden mine is on page one. The next day mine will be page 6 and I'll see forums, youtube videos, and random blogs ranking.

Anyone else notice their sites just rocking and rolling in the serps like this?

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traykor Premium
Thanks for the replies. =)
MikeyT Premium
Hi Jesse, Since my site came back from the last 'Google slap' (pre-penguin), it stayed in the number 1 or 2 position for a week, then now it has gone again... still indexed but don't know which page it's appearing on!

I've heard others say that this is normal for it to bounce around for a while (esp with new sites) and that it will eventually settle down. I hope it all settles down sooner than later for us both!

stadium Premium
Sort of but not from page 1 to 6. See more like 1 to 2. Or page 3 to 4 to 5 to 6.