About Trixilly
Joined May 2009
Trix enjoys walking her own path. As such she has struck out to become unleashed from the corporate slave environment and has taken hold of her own future as an independent internet marketing professional. Her life experience runs deep and wide and she will try just about anything once. She has lived in numerous countries including Bosnia and Germany. Her formal education took her "almost" to the PhD level, however she dropped out half way through her dissertation after becoming disgusted at the "so called" gurus interested only in writing their names in front of hers. Trix is deeply passionate about anything she does and does not tolerate less than the best of those she works with.
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Trixilly Premium
I'm glad my wall of text didn't frighten you away!
BusinessSavvy Premium
Nice to meet you Trix you sound very creative, that could be your niche!!
Trixilly Premium
Hey thanks for the note! Good to meet you as well.
To success!
mastofdom Premium
I really enjoyed your 'First Sale' post. Hugely inspiring.
Trixilly Premium
your first lens is looking great! Keep up the good work.
kurri Premium
Hey Trix,
Welcome! I've been working with WA and potpiegirls plan as well ... both working very well together.
All power to you!
Trixilly Premium
thanks for the warm welcome! Its so nice to see so many welcoming, friendly faces!! (totally overwhelmed as its not what I was expecting at all!)