About Twinkle
Joined August 2010
What is there to say about me...Well I currently work as a clinical laboratory tech for a prominent cancer hospital in NYC and my life style requires more $$$, hence, why Im here. I love to cook, sing, watch TV, read about science and technology specifically heath science, travel, socialize, and the list goes on. I want to do a lot more of those things which brings me back to why Im here...more $$$. Now Im not neccessarily money hungry b/c Im not trying to get rich, I just want to be more comfortable then I already am. Im incredibly ambitious and I love to be challenged, and according to the testmonials I read, this will be a welcomed challenge to my life. I want to work hard and learn as much as I can, which is what I do at my day job and in life in general so WA bring it!!!
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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Old Mizer Premium
Welcome aboard Twinkle. I couldn't agree with Gary more. Read anything and everything that seems to catch your attention. Most of all, get rid of any distractions. Which the TV seems to be for most. Keep it turned of. The light bill will be a little cheaper in the following months. It is kind of like a swimming pool here. Don't just dip your toe in the water to feel the temp. Just jump in, body and all at one time.
Pillar Premium
Welcome Twinkle. There is a lot to learn here in WA land. Read, read and more reading. Loose the TV for a while. You'll be glad you did... Love and Light... Gary
famousplumber Premium
How cool is that! You are definitely in the right place. Lots to learn, and it's all here. Great community, too! Dig in, look around and enjoy! Holla if I can assist you!

Larry (famousplumber)

p.s. I hope you're ok with me adding you as a "Buddy"!
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME to the WA community!
Glad to have you here! :)