This article writing thing...

Last Update: August 22, 2010

So I'm looking into article writing because it feels like it will be best suited for my brain processes. I know that I'm a fairly decent writer and I could knock out an article or 2 each day, but my problem lies in the question of what my webpage will advertise. What's my niche? Where is the source of my passion that which I must support because I know enough about it that I could write about a small aspect of it to keep an audience enticed and wanting more of the solutions that I can provide? I suppose my solution is the reinerated word “research…research…research!!” <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">

Ahhh research, the answer to the affiliate marketer’s prayers.  But where to begin??  I am currently in info overload  mode with all the reading on  keywords, and niches, and spiders oh my!


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martinact420 Premium
I make fat money with health products, Here is a link to get you started (its an affiliate link but you can sign up for free and market their health products so dont worry I'm not trying to scam you)
jatdebeaune Premium
You can get good ideas looking at Amazon too. My favorite foray is a trip to Barnes and Noble. Even before you get to the books, the periodicals are a gold mine. All current ideas too.
maureenhannan Premium
Good suggestions from MMorales. You might also go to Yahoo Answers and see what stuff you'd gravitate toward if you were ONLY there to answer other people's questions. Can't remember now who gave me that tip, but it's a pretty good way to check on what resonates and what niches you feel most competent in.
mmorales Premium
Here is video about using DMOZ to find a niche.
mmorales Premium
Hey just need to look at your "About me" page for the answer to what niches to get into.
"What is there to say about me...
" I love to cook, sing, watch TV, read about science and technology specifically heath science, travel, socialize, and the list goes on."
Cooking, singing,TV,health science and technology, travel and socializing are all niches. Look into the niches that are helpful to others-How to cook...maybe something you love to make that others would also enjoy. You get the idea?