Exercise To Increase Focus

Last Update: July 05, 2012
Hi everyone, I wanted to share my most recent experience with you about how exercise can help you stay focused, increase your energy, and get more done. I found this out quite by accident, but I felt the results were worth writing about.

I couple of weeks ago, I had an operation I believe it was on June 9th, 2012, well the next week when I went for my follow up Doctor's apt, the Doc told me I have to start eating right, less salt, nothing with wheat, as it has something or other it in that contributes to stone formation, no drinking, and a whole list of other things.

As if this was not a hard enough adjustment, he also told me I need to lose weight, because being overweight will increase the likelihood that my body will form new stones.

Well, at the time of my operation, they weighed me at an embarrassing 270 pounds (122 kilos) so obviously I need to lose weight, and I have known that for years, but it took an operation, and the threat of having another one to get me up off my butt and get me into a gym.

Here's what I have discovered after my first trip to the gym, sure I felt tired for awhile, but then my energy started to come back, and it just kept coming! A few hours after my work out, I felt really good, my body didn't have that draggy tired feeling, it was amazing to say the least.

I also noticed I was able to focus on my work more, I got so much done the rest of that day, I couldn't hardly believe it! I would say at least 3 times what I usually get done, and I didn't want to stop, I worked until past 9 PM that night.

Well I started reading up on it, and what I discovered is that exercise, floods the brain with oxygen, and relieves stress, as oxygen levels increase, and stress decreases, it leaves the brain clear and alert.

I also learned that exercise releases dopamine which acts as a neurotransmitter, now by no means am I an expert, and please don't ask me for a scientific breakdown of these two words, but from what I have been reading, the dopamine is a huge contributing factor to the increased focus one feels after a good workout.

I don't know about you, but I always used to make excuses for not working out, "I don't have time", "I don't feel good", " I'm to tired".

well I can't make those excuses anymore, because not feeling good, or feeling tired is a direct result of not working out, and the increase in my productivity and energy, saves time, rather than waste it.

Even the next morning, I didn't have to drag myself out of bed, when I woke up, I was awake, and alert, and feeling good, which for me is saying a lot, because I usually feel awful when I wake up, for at least an hour.

I'm so glad I have started down a path that will lead me to a longer, healthier, and more productive life!

Thanks for reading, Now get off yer duff, and get to the gym! =)
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mama2karsten Premium
Great Advice! I am doing the same... except outside. Dusted off my bicycle, got tennis shoes out of closet... been alternating riding and walking 6 days a week... I rest my bones on Sunday. Good luck! Keep us posted.
Ty Johnson Premium
Inside or outside, makes no difference, as long as your doing it, and I am very happy to hear that you are, i find I can think more clearly these days, and focus and get more work done =)

well, I have not been weighing myself, but I have been going 3 days a week so far, my wife keeps saying, "your belly is going away!" or "honey look, your belly does not touch the steering wheel anymore!" and things like that, plus I can wear shirts that have not fit me in ages lol, so so far it is going great =)
angel688 Premium
Good advice, I know I need to this
Ty Johnson Premium
A friend of mine who's in the fitness niche posted on my Facebook, the other day, you can either feel sore tomorrow, or you can feel sorry tomorrow!
tommo1968 Premium
Good advice, have tried to get back into the way of doing regular exercise. used to go to gym twice a week and felt better for it. Must try to get back to it.
Ty Johnson Premium
Yeah, I have been going 3 days a week myself, I want to work up to 5 days a week, I feel so good and think so clearly after I work out. plus am not not always hungry anymore, it has helped curb my appetite.
tommo1968 Premium
Yea you would think you would eat more but it actually helps cut it down.
anindochk Premium
You are spot on. I am just 24 and I am glued to the laptop always. Not my fault though, as i am a software professional and it is my compulsion. Since last week, there is tremendous work pressure and in that process my health has started suffering. The worst part is that my job does not allow me to even take a break on weekends. It is so heartening to read and hear about people in WA doing great stuff and you have increased my resoluteness to exercise by posting this.
Ty Johnson Premium
Your body and your mind are going to thank you for it...tho your muscles may be mad at you for awhile...I KNOW MINE ARE lol
Shawn Martin Premium
have a bike outside the back door, I make sure I am on it every day, sometimes 4 or 5 times a day if needed , to reset the brain. you are spot on, it helps.
Ty Johnson Premium
I only wish I had learned that lesson a long time ago!