A COMMUNITY Discussion on The Designer & Author Platforms at WA.

Last Update: March 12, 2024

Hey Everyone,

Lots of folks here are publishing content with a high rate of success in search using the AI Author platform here, along side the Content Designer which is great. Feedback one these platforms have been excellent thus far!

But, in true Wealthy Affiliate fashion, we are never done evolving, innovating and improving the platforms here.

We have rolled out several changes to this platform already, but we are going to be investing a lot of resources into further implementations and features within both the Designer and Authoring platform. Today I wanted to reach out and get your feedback on recommendations that you have for improvements or feature requests.

Our goal is ongoing, and the focus is to minimize the edits and additions that you need to head into Wordpress to accomplish, but also to streamline the quality so that you have to make fewer and fewer edits to polish the output of content that fits your needs.

Your Feedback Matters...

So if you can take a second and answer a few questions (in the comments below), it would be super helpful for us.

(1) What are the ideal feature additions that we could offer you within the Content Designer?

(2) What are the ideal feature additions that we could offer you within AI Author Platform?

One thing we are aiming to avoid is complexity, and this happens when we have to put too much work and decision making into the users hands. Having too many controls, can also have a big adverse impact on the "output" of AI, something that we have discovered through the last 18 months of intensive testing, and prompt engineering.

Like the approach Apple takes with all of it's products, we want it to just work, and work VERY well....removing all the technical hurdles on your end. You are going to see some exciting updates to these platforms (along with hubs) in the coming weeks and months ahead. We are going to continue to position you for the utmost success within the online world.

As always, thanks for your feedback and I look forward to hearing from you.

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