Article Marketing - Is It Still Working?

Last Update: June 01, 2012

I have seen alot of questions lately about article marketing and if it is still a good way to drive traffic to your site. In my own experience Yes it is still working, if you write quality articles and post them on authority article sites.

This morning I was checking one of my sites out. This site, before all Google changes used to get 30.000+ visitors monthly. Most of that traffic was organic traffic from Google so when my site got dropped to second and third page for the targeted keywords a lot of the traffic dissapeared. Bummer I know, but I will get it back up there :)

I just logged into my Google Analytics account to check some stats and looking at May I got 1920 visitors from Streetarticles and 1760 visitors from EZA. I am glad I had those articles in place so that I still continue to get some traffic to that one site.

If you are thinking about using article marketing for more traffic, I would say give it a try, you can deffinitly drive some extra visitors to your site using this method.

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Kalevi Premium
This is good to hear, especially since the training, at least right now, focuses a lot on article marketing. I can definitely see if you keep writing quality content that you can get a TON of traffic from article marketing alone even if your website doesn't appear on the first page of Google. Just goes to show page ranking isn't everything!
veronica.l Premium
Absolutely you can get lots of traffic from article marketing. The more content you put out the more traffic you will get!
mpho741 Premium
hi veronica, please help because i cant sent private message and i cant use forum, i always receice this message ( you not authorised to use private message)...
veronica.l Premium
If you are on the 10 day trial you will not be able to send a PM, is this the case?
Helle Premium
How do you get such large amounts of traffic?
veronica.l Premium
With this site I build kind of a small authority site, at least Google seemed to look at it as an authority site before the changes and updates. :) Every time I posted new content it would get ranked quickly and high up in the search engines. I posted originally good content on it constantly, still am.

It still rank for 500+ keywords according to
I was ranking 1 spot for some keywords with a lot of traffic. On first page I had my own site, articles and a Youtube video. Trying to get it back up for the high traffic keyword :)
Helle Premium
That's fantastic. What's your website adress? I'd like to look at it if you don't mind. :)
ThomasPaul Premium
Hey Veronica, how many articles do you have linked to your site? Do you know if those articles are ranked in the search engines or if the people reading it just found it on streetarticles?
veronica.l Premium
Hi Thomas, There are a couple of articles but the main traffic comes from 1 article. The articles are ranked in Google and the other search engines. Actually 92% find the main article in Google.
veronica.l Premium
Just checked some more stats for the one article that gets most traffic,it was published in June 2011 so it is 1 year old, has 52.752 views and 7.542 clicks, article marketing is still working :)
Sielke Premium
Awesome numbers Veronica, I haven't done much article marketing as of late, in fact I have about 30 articles that I need to start submitting which I'll probably put higher on my priority list because of this post. BTW, I'll send you some information about my email templates my dad has a golf tournament yesterday so I've been busy the past week.
veronica.l Premium
Thanks Christian when ever you get around to it :). Golf tournament, do you guys run a golf course or is he playing?
Sielke Premium
He runs a non-profit ( so he was holding a fundraising tournament.
veronica.l Premium
great and of course he put you to work :)